Aigua Morta beach (Dead Water beach)

Carrer Murillo, 10, 46780 Oliva, Valencia, España
Icon : Beach
County : Oliva county
Type of beach : Rustic
Clasificación : Beach
Ocupación : Low capacity
Blue flag : Blue Flag
Beach bar : Beach bar
Juegos infantil : Playground
Camping : Camping
Restaurante : Restaurant
Parquing : Parking

Oliva county > Aigua Morta beach (Dead Water beach)

A sector of large and beautiful dunes in a recently urbanized area, where tall buildings have not been built. The area, adjoined to a golf course, transmits not only a vacational atmosphere, but also a cosmopolitan residential area. The beach offers all kinds of services, although for the restoration area, except where there are snack bars, it will be necessary to move away from the shore.

Length: 1500 meter Width: 120 meter

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